319 Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430 - 19 March, 2025
- 01:00pm - 03:00pm
- (757) 357 - 7707
- Category: Arts & Culture - Lecture/Educational Program/Workshop
Monday, 10 March | Smithfield, VA
Clouds31 °
LOW 43°
Beginner/Intermediate Introduction to Acrylics
Instructor: Athena A. Rhodes
Learn to paint with acrylics on canvas with three consecutive 2-hour sessions. No Experience Necessary! You will learn basic techniques of color mixing, brushwork and more, all suited to the featured painting. Build on skills learned in each class. Instructor supplied materials include brushes, paint and canvas.
Class Fee is $75 for Members ($85 for Non-members) plus a Materials fee of $25.
For more information or to register, call the Arts Center@319 at 757.357.7707 or send e-mail to info@smithfieldarts.org. You may also enroll and pay through the website www.SmithfieldArts.org
$75 for Members, $85 for Non-members plus a Materials fee of $25