Wednesday WanderLove Challenge

Wednesday WanderLove Challenge

319 Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430

Wednesday, May 05, 2021
Starts at 10:00am

Join usa couple Wednesdays each monthat 10 a.m. on our Facebook Page: Visit Smithfield VA for a FACEBOOK LIVE EVENT!

Co-hosts Kristin and Connie will visit two of our local shops in Smithfield or Isle of Wight County. They will compete to find the best themed gift.

What a great way to visit our lovely shops and get some great ideas for the folks on your shopping list.

Join the fun on Facebook Live!

2021 SCHEDULE (themes and dates subject to change):

February 3: Perfectly Natural Soap Cowgirl Crossing,Valentine Theme

February 10:Pearl's Boutique Beyond Main,Valentine Theme

March 10:Pink Picket Fence Smithfield Flags,St. Patrick's DayTheme

March 31: The Christmas Store and Wharf Hill Gifts,Easter SpringTheme

April 7: Windsor Castle Manor House

April 28:American Laser Arts and Boutique on the Creek, Mother's Day Theme

May 5: Serendipity Meadworks and RM- Riverbend Designs,Mother's Day Theme

May 19: The Smithfield Station Lighthouse

June 9: Rivers Edge Apparel,Father's Day Theme


Check out our videos from last fall's Wednesday WanderLove Challenges on the "Photos, Videos and Documents" tab of this webpage.

While travel doesnt look quite the same this year, you can still explore Virginias endless beauty with an epic WanderLove Road Trip!

