15981 Breezy Hill Lane
Smithfield, VA 23430 - 04 May, 2025
- 09:00am - 03:00pm
- (757) 214 - 7494
- Category: Arts & Culture - Lecture/Educational Program/Workshop - Outdoors or Recreation
- Social: Facebook
Wednesday, 26 March | Smithfield, VA
Clouds47 °
LOW 39°
Join us in our Crusade Against Hunger once more as we raise food and donations for the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern shore...this time in the Spring!
Merchants, Vikings, Knights, Pirates and Fairies! Food, music, archery, sword fighting, costume contest, games, and more!
So gather your friends and family, bring some non-perishable food goods, and travel back to a time that never was as you wander our woods and explore the shire. Free Admission!
Non-Perishable Food and Monetary Donations Welcomed!