319 Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430 - 12 April, 2025
- 08:00am - 11:00am
- (757) 357 - 7707
- Category: Arts & Culture - Lecture/Educational Program/Workshop
Wednesday, 26 March | Smithfield, VA
Clouds46 °
LOW 37°
Introduction to Painting en Plien Air
Meets on location to paint in downtown Smithfield
Instructor: Barbara Harris
Learn to paint on location in the fresh air. Painting on site, learn how to set up to paint and capture the fleeting light effects. This class is for students 16 years old and over with some familiarity painting in the medium of their choice.
Class Fee is $35 for Members ($45 for Non-members). Supply list provided for what to bring. Minimum of 4 students to hold class, maximum class size is 12 students.
Please register by April 10. For more information or to register, call the Arts Center@319 at 757.357.7707 or send e-mail to info@smithfieldarts.org. You may also enroll and pay through the website www.SmithfieldArts.org
$35 members, $45 non-members