319 Main Street
Smithfield, VA 23430 - 22 April, 2025
- 02:00pm - 04:00pm
- (757) 357 - 7707
- Category: Arts & Culture - Lecture/Educational Program/Workshop
Wednesday, 26 March | Smithfield, VA
Rain37 °
LOW 37°
Beginner Introduction to Watercolor
Instructor: Alexis Jones
Interested in learning about watercolor? Then this class is for you! The class will cover everything from basic color mixing to different watercolor techniques. Don't know what hot and cold press means? What layering and wet into wet processes are? After this class you'll understand all the "lingo"!
The materials fee will provide each student with paper, paints and brushes so you can continue learning outside of the classroom. No experience is needed. Ages 13 years and up.
Class Fee is $75 for Members ($85 for Non-members) plus a Materials fee of $25. Register by April 14 to reserve a seat in this class.
For more information or to register, call the Arts Center@319 at 757.357.7707 or send e-mail to info@smithfieldarts.org. You may also enroll and pay through the website www.SmithfieldArts.org
$75 members, $85 non-members, plus a $25 materials fee.