111 S. Church Street
Smithfield, VA 23430 - 07 December, 2024
- 04:00pm - 05:00pm
- (757) 675 - 5777
- Category: Arts & Culture - Concerts/Live Performances
Tuesday, 11 March | Smithfield, VA
Clear38 °
LOW 48°
For five years, Historic St. Luke’s has enjoyed three outstanding Christmas concerts given by the Smithfield High School Choraliers. Tickets went on sale early and all concerts were sold out.
This December, Friday the 6th at 7:00 pm and Saturday, the 7th at 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm, Christ Episcopal Church will have the pleasure of hosting these wonderful and highly recognized singers under the direction of Katie West.
Sundays at Four will feature this group as one of its 2024 concerts. These “Singers for Joy” will be performing their concerts during Christmas in Smithfield weekend. All seats will be ticketed at $10.
There are no reserved seats. For tickets to the “Sing for Joy!” Concerts by the Smithfield High School Choraliers at Eventbrite.com, search Smithfield Sing for Joy, or Sundays at Four.
In addition to the concerts, Christ Church will be open Saturday from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM for the sale of the new Christ Church cookbook, and the unique ornaments made from the stained glass window designs.
Tours will be conducted until 3:00 PM. A light lunch can be purchased for $10 from 12:00 to 2:00 PM. On Sunday, the church will be open for tours, and ornament and cookbook sales from 1:00 - 4:00 PM.
For more details contact Mary Cole at 757-675-5777 or